Hello my lovelies!
How have ya’ll been?
I’ve been pretty good. . .I’m on my little medical leave from work and sadly enough, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had time to feel bored! I thought I would be insanely bored within the first couple of days but no, I’ve been on the go even if it hasn’t involved leaving the house!
Bug informed me last week that she wanted a Labyrinth birthday party and I’ve been doing all kinds of research, cake/decorating thinking. I got some great things at the Peddler’s Mall the other day with Tiffers:
a sneak peek |
The peaches came with the little wire bowl for like $6, the beads were $1 and the dessert stand was kind of expensive, $18. . .but if you know me, you know I like to throw a party so it will come in handy not only for Bug’s bday, but for mine and many more to come. And I bought these light up globe things for $2. Hopefully they work, I still haven’t gotten around to checking ’em. I think I’m pretty good on the decoration home front. . .the main thing I need to buy are some feather boas (which I found super cheap on ebay) and some more beads. I actually got to looking around and we have stuff in the house I can use for decorations too. For example, my awesome Stevie-ish shawls that I’ve used as drape-y things, I’ve got two.
And Tiffers has more than enough owls that we can use, we’ve got TONS of awesome candle holders and candles around the house and two Labyrinth posters. . .I bought these little masks that we’re going to decorate so all the kids have their own masquerade ball mask. Then I bought some cream colored lollipops and had them personalized with: as the world falls down. That one is a surprise.
What else? I’ve been being very crafty too. . .trying to stay busy so I don’t want to eat. Made over 20 bows last night:
And I’ve made 4 button bracelets.
Bug is currently sitting in my room as I type, counting out her change (it’s all over my floor) and blaring Underground on my TV (she’s watching the video) for like the 5th time. I love it when my mom is like, “I’m going blah, blah, blah.” “You taking your baby?” “No.” “Thanks for asking.” It’s not like I’m going anywhere or I’m going to tell her no, but it’s the point of being asked, not being told. She’s sick though. . .again. At least it wasn’t strep, she’s had it twice in as many months, but they said if they can’t get her allergies under control she’s going to have to start getting the shots.
As for all my medical/doctor-yness, I went and had all my tests done and won’t find anything out until I go back on the 7th. These medical bills are killing me. Good thing we’ve been having AMAZING sales through Bugglette’s otherwise this birthday stuff wouldn’t be happening. Mom took the bows and bracelets to the school where she volunteers and sold $80+. I love the etsy site, but it just doesn’t sell as well, which is why we are very much considering getting a little booth at the Peddler’s Mall. I’m kinda excited at that thought. . .
One good thing, the swelling in my feet have kinda gone down. One looks practically normal and it hasn’t looked like that for months! My back still stays pretty sore, but it’s nice just to be off of it and be able to sit down when it hurts.
Well, I’ve got some crafting/Bugglette’s business to do to.
Done now. . . :)
PS this blog brought to you by David Bowie’s Underground.